Join the Classic Car Club of America Today!
Members of the Classic Car Club of America enjoy outstanding publications, unequalled fellowship, friendship and opportunities to show and admire Classic automobiles.
Membership Benefits:
Note: You must be a member of the Classic Car Club of America in order to join a region
-The club publishes the award-winning The Classic Car, a quarterly glossy magazine with in depth features on marques from the Classic era. The cars are the stars and almost every automobile has an interesting story. The CCCA Bulletin is printed four times a year and chock full of event coverage, club news and the oh so popular classified ads. You may even like to try your hand at our "mystery photo"in each publication. The annual CCCA Handbook and Member's Roster is an invaluable tool for reference. Bylaws, Judging, list of recognized Full Classics®, and complete directory of members and their cars.
-The club sponsors many Grand Classics® during the year. They are held throughout the United States and Canada. Cars are judged and awards presented or the owners can simply display their cars.
-The club sponsors several CARavans® annually. These are tours on which the CCCA Classic automobiles are driven on a planned itinerary to historic, recreational and automobile-related sites.
-In addition, there are numerous activities held in any of our 28 regions throughout the year. Many regions publish their own magazines as well, which is included in their separate membership fee.
-Judging of the cars is an important component of our Grand Classics®. This gives the owner the opportunity to improve their vehicle, if they wish, to concours level. The judging is performed by seasoned experts who are eager to share their passion and knowledge. If this is something that interests you, feel free to explore by attending our seminars, shadow current judges at events and work your way into our ranks as an accredited CCCA judge. This may open many doors to continue your enjoyment of the hobby, perhaps even outside the CCCA.
-The CCCA and its regions offer the Classic car enthusiast a unique opportunity to not only enjoy these special automobiles but to maintain old friendships while meeting new friends within the hobby. The CCCA includes many historians, journalists and students as members. While the club believes ownership of a Classic automobile enhances club membership, it is not necessary to own a Classic car to be a significant contributing member of CCCA. We embrace individuals who share our interests, appreciate the camaraderie and who support the goals of the club.